Traveling with your pet

Jono (John-O)

If you’re a pet lover, like me, then no way are you going to leave your pet at home. This can be incredibly rewarding but also stressful at times, if you aren’t prepared for it. Over the years my dogs and I have tent camped, truck camped, stayed in hotels […]

Hope Valley, CA

Jono (John-O)

Hope Valley is a beautiful area located in Alpine County south of Lake Tahoe and off of Highway 88. The area is comprised of public and private land and offers a wide range of camping and exploring opportunities. As you enter the valley you’ll notice cars parked along side the […]

Gold Lake Highway, California

Jono (John-O)

The Gold Lake Highway is a 15.5 mile 2 lane road located on the northern end of the Sierra Nevadas between Highway 49 and Sierra City on the south end to Highway 89 and Graeagle on the north end. This region provides a treasure trove of outdoor recreational activities such […]

Pah Rah Interpretive Trail, NV

Jono (John-O)

Golden Eagle Park – Sparks, NV Distance .5 miles Elevation 4,600′ Surface Type Paved path Kid Friendly Yes Dog Friendly Yes Amenities Bathrooms, Water Fountains Etiam placerat velit vitae dui blandit sollicitudin. Vestibulum tincidunt sed dolor sit amet volutpat. Nullam egestas sem at mollis sodales. Nunc eget lacinia eros, ut […]